James 4:14
The book of Ecclesiastes reminds me that there is a time to be born, and a time to die; it teaches me that the living know that they shall die. As I learn more about the heart, mind, will and purpose of God from His Word, it becomes very evident that He is teaching me to view life from His eternal perspective. Time, as I know it, is fleeting; it passes away as quickly as the grass of the field.
God knows the end from the beginning, and in His providence and sovereignty, He is at work in every aspect of my life to call and conform me to Himself. When I cease to remember His perspective from eternity past to eternity future, my expectations are shattered and my hope is diminished. However, God wants me to bring my thoughts captive to His Word / will, and establish both my expectations and hopes on His infallible Word.
He has taught me that mankind is of only a few days, in the light of eternity. Those few days are, at best, full of trouble. I know, based on John 16:33, that in this world I will have tribulation, but God says i am to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Psalm 90:12 reminds me to number my days, that I might apply my heart unto wisdom. He wants me to take stock of my days, understanding that life is short and eternity is certain. It is only in making an accurate assessment of my life in this manner, that I will truly apply my heart unto wisdom.
Wisdom is simply weaving what I know about God’s character and nature, as revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ, into the fabric of my life. God tells me that the world system passes away, but the one who does the will of God lives forever. What do I know about Jesus Christ in His holiness, His love, His ways of order or His forgiveness? Have I begun to take steps to bring my life into conformity to Christlikeness in those areas? May God help me today to do so.
(C) 1992, 2014 N.A.Collins
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