3-11-15 Obedience
Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard,
and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Philippians 4:9
When Paul wrote to the Philippian Christians, he wanted to be sure that they understood the importance of using what they knew of God’s good purpose of conformity to Christ in their lives. With the Corinthian Christians, he urged them to follow his discipling model in the same manner in which he personally followed Christ.
Obedience involves sacrifice, in that our former sinful habit patterns of following our human inclinations must be overridden by our commitment to new patterns of godly living. God reminds us that a clear demonstration of our love for Him is our sweet submission to His plan and purpose for our lives. That purpose and will are given to us in His Word to guide our footsteps in every aspect of our personal lives.
Physical exercise is an illustration of the spiritual exercise of obedience. Doing God’s will assures us that our former patterns of thinking, behaving and speaking will not habitually continue. Rather, obedience to the clear teaching of God’s Word will show a practical change in those areas. Obedience to the will of God is victory; anything less is defeat.
We live in a world that seems to be oriented to personal “happiness,” based upon the various happenings of our situations or circumstances. Conversely, the Word of God reminds us that God’s kind of happiness is experienced only when we are in the midst of His will for our life. That simply means that we must understand His heart, mind, will and purpose. When we do, we consciously, volitionally and willfully are to regulate our attitudes and activities so that they are in keeping with the mind of God as revealed in the Word of God.
Not only will obedience change our lifestyle so that it glorifies God but our personal relationships with others will be different as well. Our spirits will reflect the heart of the gentle Jesus even when we are misunderstood or mistreated. We will be quick to forgive as God has forgiven us for the sake of Christ.
Lord, help me today to order my steps in ways that please you by being consistent with your word on all matters, and demonstrate Your character and nature as seen in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(c) 1992 N.A.Collins
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