9-9-15 Seeking Forgiveness
The issue of forgiveness is so important to understand in our personal lives, if we are prepared to deal with
them in the lives of those in difficult trials whom we want to encourage and bless.
In the Scriptures, there are two specific occasions in which we are admonished to follow the steps of the
Savior and do as He did. One is the ministry of service in John 13:10, and the other is this one in 1 Peter 2:24
referencing the ministry of suffering. Neither of these are within the grasp of human resources, but require a
sacrificial submission to the purpose and plan of God for our lives to glorify Him through the power of the Holy
When looking at the profitability of Scripture, according to 2 Timothy 3:16, we see the progressive and
cumulative steps to bringing our lives into the pattern that pleases God. Those steps are doctrine, reproof,
correction and instruction in righteousness. It is important to apply those steps in a practical way to the
matter of seeking forgiveness from God and man.
1. RECOGNIZE any lack of perfect peace
A. Perfect peace is promised by God as the by-product of salvation and a God-centered focus.
(Isaiah 26:3)
B. God's singular goal for us is that we glorify Him by progressive conformity to Christ
( Romans 8:28-29)
C. Lack of perfect peace, for a believer, alerts us of a violation of the heart of God in staying our
mind on Him.
D. That violation may be identified in Attitudes, Behaviors, or Communication that reflect Christ
2. REPENT - seek forgiveness from God
A. "I was wrong when I...." ( be specific, and abolish the words "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" -
they are shallow and essentially meaningless)
B. "Would you please forgive me?"
C. "It is my Intent to never let it happen again."
D. "I need your help and strength to keep this commitment."
3. RESTITUTION - seek forgiveness from man
( should be accomplished verbally, by visit or phone - NOT a written format)
( the scope of the confession needs be as broad as the scope of the sin)
A. " God has convicted me that I was wrong when I..." ( be specific, and abolish the words "I'm
sorry" and "I apologize" - they are shallow and essentially meaningless)
B. "I've asked His forgiveness, and He's given it."
C. "Would you please forgive me, as well?"
D. "It is my intent to never let it happen again."
E. "I've asked God to help me."
F. "Would you please help me by letting me know if you ever see any signs of its return?"
4. RESTRUCTURE - making a plan so that this doesn't happen again.
A. Set up accountability with a mature, godly person of the same sex.
B. Regular daily Bible study with meditation throughout the day,
C. Pray scripturally, according to the Word of God.
( c) 2010 N. A. Collins
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