4-1-15 Wisdom
For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6
Wisdom is the sum total of knowing God and showing forth His nature. It is as we are wrapped in the righteousness of Christ that God gives us His wisdom from His Word. The root of all practical godliness is wisdom. As we obey God’s Word, God gives progressive understanding of His heart, mind, will and purpose. As we change and grow in conformity to personal Christlikeness, we are able to evangelize the lost and encourage the saved.
In an ungodly world system, men may reject the absolute authority of Christ in their quest for wisdom. However, when they do, they become fools in the sight of God. It is God alone Who gives wisdom. By His eternal, inerrant Word come both knowledge and understanding. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world. It is imperative that God’s wisdom be observed in us by those unbelievers with whom we have relationships.
As our gentleness, purity, sensitivity and sincerity are demonstrated, they will see an accurate picture of Christ. Scripture teaches us that when He is lifted up, He will draw men to Himself. How do men see Christ today as they watch our lives?
1. Do they see a clear picture of the mind of God?
2. Do they see good structure, order and control over long standing habit patterns that have been changed
foe God’s glory?
3. Do they see a life of submission to God and service to others, even at personal sacrifice?
4. Do they see Christlike speech in interpersonal relationships?
May God help us to walk in His wisdom today.
(c) 1992 N.A.Collins
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