Romans 5:1
When the Spirit of God woos us to Himself in His ministry of conviction and we respond to His offer of grace in salvation, we have peace with God through Christ. Having been made righteous by the will of God, through the substitutionary atonement of Christ, we no longer stand condemned before God, but rather we stand justified before Him.
While the human system of religion teaches that man can be made right with God through human efforts of self‑goodness and morality, the Word of God assures us that he cannot. God gives us clear instruction that man is not justified or made righteous by any works of the law or demonstrations of the flesh. He reminds us that it is impossible for man, in the flesh, to ever please God. It is only faith in Jesus Christ that enables man to be acceptable in God’s sight.
The gospel message, as found in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, is that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. He was delivered for our offenses and raised for our justification. Is it any wonder that the event of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the victory song of the believer?
Because we have been justified through faith in His blood, we have been rescued from His wrath against sin, unrighteousness and rebellion. We have been translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son and have become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Our eternal future is secure, and our positional peace with God is the cornerstone of biblical hope and practical joy.
Those who have been justified by faith in their position with Christ at salvation are to subsequently live by faith in their daily practice as well. As the Word of God instructs us on how to respond to God through faith in Christ, so it instructs us on how to live for God through faith in Christ. As His Word is our only source of both faith and practice, we will consistently examine every aspect of our lives under the scrutiny of the Scriptures. We will compare our attitudes, behavior and communication with those of the son of God and make the changes necessary to bring our lives into conformity to His thus glorifying God by being like Jesus.
(c) 1993, 2007 N.A.Collins
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