Isaiah 26:3 A God-Centered Focus
Isaiah 26:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee" Perfect peace, according to Isaiah, is the divine by-product of a mind which is consistently stayed (kept tightly focused) on Him (God's eternal, infallible Word, His promises, His clearly stated plans and purposes for His children).
In the presence of incredible difficulties, the servants of God demonstrate this awesome conditional promise. (It is conditional in that there is a
pre-requisite given in order for the promise to be claimed). We see Stephen
presenting a quietness of heart as the stones were hurled to accomplish his
death; Paul gave glowing ministry reports from an unbelievable prison of
suffering; Peter understood the principle of "focus" from his water-walking
encounter with the Master, and the very Spirit of God brought a peace that
passes understanding as we see Jesus Christ carrying His own cross on the trip to Golgotha.
So, when we 'struggle', that is, experience less than perfect peace, we know
that God gives a 2 step process to resolve the conflict. Those two steps are
simply 1) REPENT and 2) REFOCUS. How might we establish that refocusing process?
May I recommend the following:
1. God's Person is PERFECT ( Psalm 18:30)
2. God's Purpose is CONFORMITY TO CHRIST (Romans 8:28-29)
3. God's Plan is the COUNSEL OF HIS WILL (Ephesians 1:11)
4. God's Promise is His PERPETUAL PRESENCE (Hebrews 13:5)
5. God's Performance is His FAITHFULNESS (1 Corinthians 10:13)
6. God's Provision is His GRACE ( 2 Corinthians 12:9)
7. God's Peace is FOCUS-DEPENDENT (Isaiah 26:3)
(c) 1999 N. A. Collins
In the presence of incredible difficulties, the servants of God demonstrate this awesome conditional promise. (It is conditional in that there is a
pre-requisite given in order for the promise to be claimed). We see Stephen
presenting a quietness of heart as the stones were hurled to accomplish his
death; Paul gave glowing ministry reports from an unbelievable prison of
suffering; Peter understood the principle of "focus" from his water-walking
encounter with the Master, and the very Spirit of God brought a peace that
passes understanding as we see Jesus Christ carrying His own cross on the trip to Golgotha.
So, when we 'struggle', that is, experience less than perfect peace, we know
that God gives a 2 step process to resolve the conflict. Those two steps are
simply 1) REPENT and 2) REFOCUS. How might we establish that refocusing process?
May I recommend the following:
1. God's Person is PERFECT ( Psalm 18:30)
2. God's Purpose is CONFORMITY TO CHRIST (Romans 8:28-29)
3. God's Plan is the COUNSEL OF HIS WILL (Ephesians 1:11)
4. God's Promise is His PERPETUAL PRESENCE (Hebrews 13:5)
5. God's Performance is His FAITHFULNESS (1 Corinthians 10:13)
6. God's Provision is His GRACE ( 2 Corinthians 12:9)
7. God's Peace is FOCUS-DEPENDENT (Isaiah 26:3)
(c) 1999 N. A. Collins